Empyrean - Close up-smaller.png

Phantasm (selected works)

A series of digital collages, mainly comprised of gothic/baroque architecture and art I came across in my home of Manchester and machinery and modern engines from cars and buildings. I am interested in the perseverance of ideas and technology and what that means going forward into the future, and the information society we currently live in. I was also inspired by Donna Haraway’s ‘A Cybrog Manifesto’, in which she posits that in order to progress as an equality-driven society, we must break down social boundaries.

A digital collage of a classical statue surrounded by machinery and car engines.

My Electronic (2022), Digital Collage

mechanical angels floating above a brutalist building in Manchester

My Future Love (2022), Digital Collage

the iconic venus de milo statue, but a cyborg surrounded in trash

Dearth / Venus (2022), Digital Collage

A giant digital collage combining gothic art and architecture with car engines

Empyrean (2022) Digital Collage